What Would A Real Government Do?

Dr Reiner Fuellmich

Dr Reiner Fuellmich, a lawyer working in Germany and the US, who was successful in class action suits against Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank, has been interviewing experts from all fields to get to the bottom of what is happening with the preplanned Covid responses around the world. The point being to mount class action cases against the perpetrators of this crime against humanity.

The culmination, so far, of that research is this simulation of what we should expect from a real government that is independent of big corporates.

Court cases are happening all around the world and will continue.

Setting The Scene

The Basiscamp series brings some of those experts in as expert advisors sharing the real, non-corporate controlled science, with the kind of government we should be able to expect to hear from in a true non-corporate controlled democracy.

Basiscamp 1: Click on link below to view. Starts at 35:20 min. Break from 1:03:49 – 1:45:40.


Basiscamp 2: Click on link below to view. This has been censored on YouTube.


Basiscamp 3: Click on link below to view. This has been censored on YouTube.


Basiscamp 4: Click on link below to view.


Basiscamp 5 – Last Day: Click on link below to view. Begins at 10:30


The links above may be taken down.

Find them direct on:

Their English Telegram Channel https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish

This simulation game event “BasisCamp – A Global Pandemic Exit Exercise” is organized by members of the Corona Investigation Committee, members of the German party “dieBasis” and numerous previous guests.

The scenario: The German government has resigned and an interim government has been formed. Under the leadership of the new Chancellor, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, and other members of the interim government, the current situation will be analyzed and an assessment of measures will be made with the help of current experts from various fields.

Cast includes:

Chancellor: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Minister of the Interior

Viviane Fischer Minister of Labor and Social Affairs

Alkje Fontes Minister of Finance

Ernst Wolff Director of the RKI

Stephan Kohn Expert in financial affairs

Prof. Dr. Richard Werner

The BasisCamp can only take place thanks to your donations.

We appreciate your support very much.

Bank details:

Account holder: Attorney Dr. Reiner Füllmich

Payment reference: “Donation Corona Committee IBAN

DE57 1203 0000 1072 0158 50 BIC: BYLADEM1001