Carbohydrate Restriction As The First Approach For Diabetics

The studies are in from a multinational group of doctors and researchers that carbohydrate restriction should be the first approach for diabetics. It’s been confusing for me why the Diabetes Associations haven’t taken this approach to heart earlier but now...

Nutrition Impact Triangle

Knowing the Nutrition Impact Triangle will hopefully help you get a handle on what to look out for when shifting from a carbohydrate based diet to a fat based diet. [youtube][/youtube]...

Carb-Loaded, A Culture Dying To Eat

Interesting documentary coming up.    Inspired by Lathe who as a young, apparently healthy and normal weight man found out he had type 2 diabetes.  Quite a shock to say the least....

LCHF – Quit Sugar, Eat Good Fats

I came across these two articles this morning as I was checking in with emails and FaceBook and thought they represent well the LCHF Low Carb High Fat position as opposed to the HCLF High Carb Low Fat FAD diet that we’ve all been engaging with naively for the...