L.109.  I rest in God/Love.

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=109


I love the simplicity of this one and the ease of switching that one word, Love, for God.

That may be all we need to do to help ourselves, each other and the world find peace.

This morning I watched a YouTube recommended video: ‘Nobel winning scientist proves God exists”.  Turned out not to be true but was trying to prove that the Koran was the word of God.  Same thing that Christians have been up to for a while.

My point is we can argue so much about our thoughts about what God is and whose God is the better/righter one.  But hopefully we can come into more agreement about what Love is.

Although if you think Love is any way or shape involved in punishment or cleansing of sins then I’d hazard a guess that you don’t know much about Love or God and at the very least we would just have to agree to disagree on some things.

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