LESSON 55. These are the review ideas for today:

L. 21.  I am determined to see things differently.

L. 22.  What I see is a form of vengeance.

L. 23.  I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.

L. 24.   I do not perceive my own best interests.

L. 25.   I do not know what anything is for.

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=55


I love this part of the course for its surgically precise dismantling of our thought system and what it is we think we are doing here.

As it says in the review, if you see life is about disease, disaster and death and you think that is Gods Will, you really have no idea of what God, Goddess, Spirit, All That Is, Whatever You Want To Call IT, is.  And you have no idea who You Are.

Whether we believe that is all God’s Will or not, we spend our lives trying to keep the body (who we think we are) safe from all this because we feel under attack on all fronts.  We spend inordinate amounts of energy and resources to keep it safe.  Be that with career, money, a nice house, nice clothes, social approval, pills, healthy living, healthy eating, love, romance and chocolate.  To name a few.

But if we really don’t know who We Are or what IT Is, how can we know our own best interests in any situation, is what the course is asking us to ponder on.

This is where law of attraction and ACIM come unhinged for me.  When you look at it, so much of the law attraction movement that is so popular these days with everyone and his or her dog, is about us manifesting stuff to keep our bodies safe and secure.  From the perspective of the course, that would seem to be worthy of some questioning.

The answer, that comes more naturally to me than breathing, is to simply acknowledge that yes, from the vantage point of me looking after me & my body as my focus, I can’t know my and our best interests in any given situation.  The internal shift happens when I relax beyond the urge to protect myself further.  To allow the truth to seep into my mind, of Life and Love never ending.  To melt into a state of deep listening.   From that state, if I am inspired to any form of action, things usually do work out in everyone’s best interest.


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