LESSON 59. These are the review ideas for today:

L. 41.  God goes with me wherever I go.

L. 42.  God is my strength. Vision is His gift.

L. 43.  God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him.

L. 44.  God is the light in which I see.

L. 45.  God is the Mind with which I think.

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=59


I don’t know if you’ve heard the footsteps in the sand story?

The one where a person meets God/Goddess/All That Is and asks a question:

When I looked back along my life I noticed that when times were good there were two sets of prints and I understood you were walking beside me.  But when things were bad there were only one set of prints.  Why did you abandon me in those times and leave me alone?  

Presence responded:

I’m sorry you thought I was absent, but at those times of your life, you only see one set of prints because I was carrying you.

That story always brings tears to my eyes.

It has been said that God is closer to us than our breath.  How close can you get but the Mind itself with which we think?  I’ve joked that in order to meet God, you need to get out of or be out of your mind but the truth is we simply need to sink deeper into our mind, slipping by the limitless fireflies of personal thought. S/He is there, waiting, in the still, quiet depths that is the One Mind, Our Mind, which Is God, Goddess, All That Is.

Take a few minutes, try it, sitting quietly, close your eyes slowly, slip by all personal thought…..

you might just like what you find there:)


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