LESSON 69.  My grievances hide the light of the world in me.

My grievances hide the light of the world in me. I cannot S ee what I have hidden. Yet I want to let it be revealed to me, for my salvation and the salvation of the world.

If I hold this grievance the light of the world will be hidden from me,

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=69



Two comments come to mind as I read the lesson today.

One is that the course here is using a great psychological motivator.  They say that we are more motivated to reduce pain than we are to increase pleasure.  We all (hopefully) know what it’s like to feel the love of the universe flooding our awareness.  If we have experienced that we know both how exquisite that felt and how excruciatingly painful it felt when that awareness left us.  The thought that our grievances can bring on that level of pain may motivate us to let them go so we can stop the pain.

The second thought is that we are not all visual people.  For me, seeing the clouds part is a cute mental exercise but to feel my body become lighter, almost hollow as if there was no boundary between me and the rest of life, to feel my breath become easier, to experience the relaxation and straightening of my spine, to hear inner sounds from pure tones to bells all indicate to me that the clouds have cleared.


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