LESSON 74. There is no will but God’s.

I am at peace.
Nothing can disturb me. My will is God’s.
My will and God’s are one.
God wills peace for His Son.

There is no will but God’s. These conflict
thoughts are meaningless.

There is no will but God’s. I share it with Him.
My conflicts about _____ cannot be real.

There is no will but God’s. I seek His peace today.

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=74



We so love the idea that we have free will.  That we can do whatever we like.  With the proviso that it doesn’t hurt other people.

So it can be challenging to get our heads around the idea that there is another will, in fact that is the only will there is and it’s not yours but it is yours.  You share and are this will.

It comes to light for me when I think about things that we need to do in this world from the big things of money, career, family, to the little things of what coat or food to buy, what’s the next step for me in my business or life, how do I deal with this difficult situation in front of me?

The course in this lesson clarifies that peace is peace that comes along with joy.  At other points it defines it as peace, joy & love.

How I bring the two wills together is in all those big and small choices I need to make on a day to day basis, if I’m not feeling peace, joy & love about them, then maybe I should be making a different choice.  One that I do feel peace, joy & love about.

That way, there is only one will…


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