LESSON 80. Let me recognise my problems have been solved.

Let me recognise this problem has been solved.

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=80



We are so problem-solution oriented that to stop and appreciate that our problem (separation) has been solved can be hard to get our heads around.  We so want to do something about it but nothing needs to be done.

To think about it being solved the instant we created it, is even more mind boggling.

You may catch yourself wondering what ‘on earth’ is all this, this stuff we do in the world, about?

But if you’re like me you’ll probably recognise how enlivening it is to stop the problem-solution striving and to instead to stop and smell the roses by appreciating the having and the being.

The question then becomes, how can I live my life from that place?


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