LESSON 81. Second Review

(61) I am the light of the world.

Let me not obscure the light of the world in me.
Let the light of the world shine through this appearance.
This shadow will vanish before the light.

(62) Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

Let this help me learn what forgiveness means.
Let me not separate my function from my will.
I will not use this for an alien purpose.

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=81



It can be a heady experience thinking of yourself as the light of the world.  The antidote to any wooziness is a heavy dose of humility.  It’s helpful to remember that saving the world doesn’t come down to you.  Everyone is the light of the world.

I’ve often heard the statement we have two ears and one mouth so we should listen more than we talk.  Very useful in any number of situations.  But what about internally?  Does our internal, or is that ‘infernal’, chatter have more airtime inside our heads than time spent listening?

I recommend listening inside with both ears too.

Listen to how much chatter or silence there is with one ear.

And with the other ear start to pay more attention to where the voice you are hearing is ‘coming’ from.  If it’s coming from inner angst, that may not be the best voice to be listening to.  If it’s coming from inner peace, joy & love, then that just might be the better choice of music.

The most important thing that goes on inside our heads are the choices we make there on what to listen to and therefore what we share with the world.


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