L 95.  I am one Self, united with my Creator.

I am one Self, united with my Creator, at one with every
aspect of creation, and limitless in power and in peace.

You are one Self with me, united with our Creator in this Self.
I honor you because of What I am, and What He is,
Who loves us both as One.

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=95


I spent a bit of time in the Himalayas with a teacher/guru called Babaji/Haidakhan Baba.  I’m reminded of the Hindu greeting Namaste when I take this lesson to heart.  To me it means I bow to and honour the Divine Self in you that is in me.

I’ve found it a great practice when doing a lesson like this to make a point of looking into the eyes of people that I interact with during the day and repeating the days lesson silently to myself.  Try it.  You might like it.  The other person doesn’t need to know what on earth is going on inside your head but they will feel it in their heart as you will in yours.

Your thoughts and questions?

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