This article looks promising. Unfortunately you have to wade through the whole of the video till he actually makes that point.

Whereas what he is really saying can be determined in his opening sentence in the first 20 seconds.

…as we know, Covid 19 has caused severe impacts

on societies and economies across the globe.

Which is followed, amongst other things, like glowing acknowledgements of the U.N., by all the steps Brazil is taking to vaccinate the population.

So, as much as the title suggests they are saying NO to ‘The Great Reset’, they are doing the actual opposite.

If they really were saying no, they would have begun with:

…as we know,

humanity’s response to

Covid 19 has caused severe impacts

on societies and economies across the globe.

And they would have followed through with:

We believe this response has been engineered by those that seek to create a system of Totalitarian Social Control over us.

We will put all our efforts into exposing this and hold all the perpetrators accountable.

And we welcome all your participation in this truly worthwhile endeavour for the benefit of the whole of humanity.